TORI (TJ) MATTON (LGSW) with 10 years of Therapy and Social Work Experience || DAVID (Dave) SIMISON (JD) with 35 years of Legal Experience
Annapolis Mediation (AM) offers a unique and dynamic team approach in a professional, confidential and comfortable setting. Our team offers balance in professions, age, experience, and gender.
Our respective backgrounds in human services and law provide quality mediation that:
- allows conversations & negotations to be solutions focused
- assists in open & productive conversations
- improves communication & understanding
- empowers participants to make collaborative decisions
- recognizes individual needs, interests, and concerns
While Annapolis Mediation values the team approach, we understand that you may be interested in working with one of us in particular. Click here to learn more about the individual mediators.
Choosing a mediator is an important step and you want to have faith and a sense of trust in your mediators. Our free 30 minute orientation, gives an overview of the mediation process and how it relates to you. You will have the opportunity to explain your circumstances. No fees are incurred until you decide to move forward in mediation. If you decide to move forward, we can proceed immediately or schedule a future session. Sessions are typically two hours in length. The frequency and duration of your meditations are based on your needs. Click here to schedule an orientation session or ask any questions.
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