Business and Property Mediation

Dave Simison has extensive experience in mediations involving 

  • Business Partnerships
  • Family Businesses
  • Probate

which helps the parties navigate the challenges to creating a constructive and productive future.  In the areas of Probate, Partnerships and Close Corporations as well as Family Businesses, interpersonal relationships are an important and often crucial dynamic when it truly is more than just the bottom line that is at stake.  

Dave has significant experience in the areas of Property and Zoning Mediation.  He has worked closely with property owners needing to negotiate with their neighbors over future land uses and zoning as well as working with neighbors trying to resolve ongoing issues.  His training and experience in large group facilitations can be a crucial and positive force moving forward productively and with success for all concerned.

As a team, Dave and TJ Matton can help the parties address their needs in a functional and positive way.

Annapolis Mediation believes in the team approach to mediation. Our Mediators offer a balance in professions, age, experience, and gender. The team approach is time and cost effective and we provide co-mediation without additional cost to the participants. Throughout your meditation, we will document your progress and provide you necessary working documents. This assures that your mediation moves forward productively and efficiently. 

Choosing a mediator is an important step and you want to have faith and a sense of trust in your mediators.  Our free 30 minute orientation, gives an overview of the mediation process and how it relates to you.  You will have the opportunity to explain your circumstances. No fees are incurred until you decide to move forward in mediation. If you decide to move forward, we can proceed immediately or schedule a future session. Sessions are typically two hours in length. The frequency and duration of your meditations are based on your needs. Click HERE to email us to schedule an orientation session or ask any questions.


Annapolis Mediation
